What Is Bagasse And Why Is It Important?
In an era of economic uncertainty and a desire to be more environmentally friendly, fast food restaurants, retail facilities and delis must look at more sustainable food containers. Fortunately, bagasse is an emerging environmentally friendly solution that can reduce packaging costs and meet FDA food safety standards. At Shengquan New Materials, we are proud to be one of the leading wholesale suppliers of bagasse tableware . Let's take a closer look at a few of the key benefits of bagasse and how this sustainable packaging can enhance your company's brand image. What is bagasse? Bagasse is the fibrous material or pulp that remains after the juice has been extracted from sugar cane to make sugar. It is basically sugar cane pulp. When you think about it, it is actually waste material, but this by-product has been used to make a variety of products. Bagasse is rich, versatile and inexpensive, making it ideal for use in different types of food packagin...