Do You Really Know Bagasse?
How nice that bagasse can be transformed from sugar "garbage" to environmental protection material! In today's world of resource conservation and environmental protection, there is no such thing as "garbage", only misplaced resources. Bagasse can be used for more than we can imagine: producing fuel alcohol, feed, environmental protection materials, extracting polyphenols and so on. With the support of modern technology, bagasse, which was once useless, can be turned into a treasure one day. (A) Schematic diagram of the manufacture of disposable tableware derived from petroleum. (B) Schematic diagram of the production of biodegradable tableware using bagasse and bamboo fiber. Do you really know bagasse? Bagasse, as the name implies, is the product left after sugar extraction and also belongs to the category of crop straw. The dry matter content of bagasse is high, occupying 90%-92%, of which 42%-50% is cellulose, 25%-30% is hemicellulose and 20%-25% is ligni...